
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Telmo Mota;” ,找到相关结果约2687条。
A reforma curricular nos cursos de saúde: qual o papel das cren?as?
Ronzani, Telmo Mota;
Revista Brasileira de Educa??o Médica , 2007, DOI: 10.1590/S0100-55022007000100006
Abstract: this article is a theoretical review of the reforms occurring in the curriculum of the health courses. considering the emphasis given by the public policies to an integration of the different levels of health care, the professional training assumes fundamental importance in this process. the curricular reforms however can meet difficulties due to some negative beliefs about the new models for the training or practice of health professionals. thus, this article highlights the importance of evaluating shared beliefs, which tend to strengthen and preserve certain health practices and ideologies. studying these beliefs and actions towards innovating teaching methods based on the proposed changes in the health practices as well as strategies for reforming the graduation courses beyond the formal sphere are pointed out in this paper as effective forms of promoting changes in the behavior of professors, students and health professionals.
Clima organizacional e atividades de preven??o ao uso de risco de álcool
Cruvinel, Erica;Ronzani, Telmo Mota;
Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas) , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-166X2011000200008
Abstract: the aim of this paper was to evaluate the link between organizational climate and strategies to prevent alcohol consumption, among 97 primary health care professionals. the organizational climate was measured by means of a scale involving the following factors: decision-making, chaos/stress and communication. prevention activities were measured using audit (screening test) and brief interventions carried out in the six-month period following the on-site qualification. the spearman test was used, with a 95% level of confidence, to assess correlation. the results showed a correlation between brief intervention and decision making (p=0.337; p= 0.001) and communication (p=0.281; p=0.005). the number of audits applied were also related to dm (p=0.288; p=0.004) and communication (p=0.215; p=0.035). the results suggest that environments with better perceptions of organizational climate can enhance the prevention of alcohol use in primary health care.
Estigma social sobre o uso de álcool
Ronzani, Telmo Mota;Furtado, Erikson Felipe;
Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S0047-20852010000400010
Abstract: the use of alcohol and other drugs is an important public health problem worldwide with certain complexity in understanding about the subject and in prevention and treatment actions. the aim of this paper is to present a bibliographic revision about social stigma and alcohol use. studies that investigate the social stigma related with alcohol and other drugs users suggest that such association presents an important impact both in definition of public policy and in prevention and treatment actions. moralization and stereotype associated to users can influence direct or indirectly the quality and outcomes of treatment and prevention of drug use. nevertheless, studies and actions that aim to decrease the impact of stigma in quality of users assistance are relevant.
O Programa Saúde da Família segundo profissionais de saúde, gestores e usuários
Ronzani,Telmo Mota; Silva,Cristiane de Mesquita;
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S1413-81232008000100007
Abstract: objective: to examine perceptions among healthcare practitioners, managers and users of brazil's family health program (fhp) in two municipalities in minas gerais state, brazil. methodology: semi-structured interviews with the practitioners and managers focused on: professional training, family health program goals, teams and difficulties encountered in the municipalities; users responded to a structured questionnaire in households registered with four healthcare units in these municipalities, selected through a random draw. results: practitioners reported that: the requirements for a good team include the personal attributes of its members; they are not satisfied with the fhp organization; prevention is its main goal. managers ranked intervention at the family level as its main benefit, also mentioning health promotion, education and assistance as other important aspects. users indicated that: community health agents are the most outstanding professional category; specialists are required in the fhp; most respondents are not engaged in any health-related activities other than consultations; specialized services are preferable to the fhp. conclusion: there are different expectations among all those involved in the fhp, which may undermine the effectiveness of its services.
Estilos parentais e consumo de drogas entre adolescentes: revis?o sistemática
Paiva, Fernando Santana de;Ronzani, Telmo Mota;
Psicologia em Estudo , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S1413-73722009000100021
Abstract: in order to understand alcohol and other drugs abusive consumption during adolescence, several researches have pointed out the family as an important risk or protection factor. this study aims to accomplish a systematic review of scientific papers regarding the association between parental styles and socialization practices and psychoactive substances consumption among adolescents. the articles were researched in three databases - medline, adolec and pubmed -, using two terms in order to restrict the bibliographic search: parental styles and parental monitoring together with substance use. the final sample was constituted of 30 papers from different countries. we could verify a significant association between alcohol and other drugs abusive consumption in adolescence and parental styles and practices. such findings demonstrate the importance of getting to know this relationship in the brazilian context.
Estudo das expectativas e cren as pessoais acerca do uso de álcool
Danyelle Freitas Scali,Telmo Mota Ronzani
SMAD Revista Electrónica Salud Mental, Alcohol y Drogas , 2007,
Abstract: El Inventario de Expectativas e Creencias Personales sobre el Alcohol considera que el padrón de bebida se vuelve más pesado cuando las personas endosan más expectativas positivas con relación a los efectos positivos del alcohol. Ese estudio quiso evaluar las creencias sobre el alcohol en alcohólicos del Instituto de Salud Mental y evaluar el desempe o del IECPA en la identificación de alcohólicos. Esa tendencia parece haber sido confirmada. Se observó que, cuanto mayor la expectativa y cuanto más positivas las creencias sobre el alcohol, mayor el consumo de alcohol entre los entrevistados del grupo de dependientes.
O psicólogo na aten o primária à saúde: contribui es, desafios e redirecionamentos The psychologist in primary health care: contributions, challenges and changes
Telmo Mota Ronzani,Marisa Cosenza Rodrigues
Psicologia: Ciência e Profiss?o , 2006, DOI: 10.1590/s1414-98932006000100012
Abstract: O presente trabalho investigou as concep es sobre a promo o e a preven o de saúde, as concep es teórico-práticas e as dificuldades encontradas para o trabalho em aten o primária (APS) dos psicólogos da rede de saúde de Juiz de Fora - MG. As entrevistas (com sete psicólogos) foram submetidas à técnica da análise de conteúdo. Os resultados nos remetem à necessidade de uma contextualiza o da prática da Psicologia na saúde pública e de reformula o do currículo profissional, a fim de proporcionar maior preparo para o trabalho na área. The present work investigated the conceptions about health promotion and prevention, theoretical and practical conceptions and the work difficulties in primary health care in Juiz de Fora-MG. The interviews (with seven psychologists) were submitted to the technique of content analysis. The results suggest the need of a more contextualized practice in public health and in the curriculum change in order to provide a better professional preparation in this area of work.
Preven??o do uso de álcool na aten??o primária em municípios do estado de Minas Gerais
Ronzani,Telmo Mota; Mota,Daniela Cristina Belchior; Souza,Isabel Cristina Weiss de;
Revista de Saúde Pública , 2009,
Abstract: objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of implementing screening strategies associated with brief interventions for prevention of alcohol abuse, within primary healthcare. methods: this evaluation study was conducted among 113 primary healthcare professionals and managers in three municipalities in the zona da mata of minas gerais, southeastern brazil, in 2007. the health professionals participated in a training to perform screening associated with brief interventions for alcohol use prevention. six months after this training, a follow-up evaluation was carried out. the qualitative assessment involved participant observation, interviews with managers before the training and during the follow-up, and focus groups with healthcare professionals during the follow-up. the content analysis technique was applied. the following instruments were used for the quantitative assessment: objective knowledge questionnaire, moralization scale for alcohol use, perception model for alcohol use questionnaire and preventive practices for alcohol use questionnaire. the municipalities were compared before the training and during the follow-up, and longitudinal evaluations were performed in each municipality, using descriptive and inferential statistics. results: participation by the managers and integration among the health professionals regarding the practices of screening and brief intervention were associated with greater effectiveness of implementation. this occurred in one of the municipalities, in which there was a significant decrease in the degree to which alcohol use was moralized by the healthcare professionals, in comparison with the other municipalities. in the other municipalities, the effects of the implementation process for the project indicated that the frequency of performing preventive practices against alcohol use increased, along with the health professionals' knowledge, although not enough to indicate effective implementation. conclusions: effectiveness in impleme
Screening and brief intervention for alcohol and other drug use in primary care: associations between organizational climate and practice
Erica Cruvine, Kimber P Richter, Ronaldo Rocha Bastos, Telmo Mota Ronzani
Addiction Science & Clinical Practice , 2013, DOI: 10.1186/1940-0640-8-4
Abstract: Organizational climate was measured by the 2009 Organizational Climate Scale for Health Organizations, a scale validated in Brazil that assesses leadership, professional development, team spirit, relationship with the community, safety, strategy, and remuneration. Performance of SBI was measured prospectively by weekly assessments during the three months following training. We also assessed self-reported SBI and self-efficacy for performing SBI at three months post-training. We used inferential statistics to depict and test for the significance of associations.Teams with better organizational climates implemented SBI more frequently. Organizational climate factors most closely associated with SBI implementation included professional development and relationship with the community. The dimensions of leadership and remuneration were also significantly associated with SBI.Organizational climate may influence implementation of SBI and ultimately may affect the ability of organizations to identify and address drug use.
Moraliza??o sobre o uso de álcool entre estudante de curso de saúde
Martins, Leonardo Fernandes;Silveira, Pollyanna Santos da;Soares, Rhaisa Gontijo;Gomide, Henrique Pinto;Ronzani, Telmo Mota;
Estudos de Psicologia (Natal) , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S1413-294X2010000100005
Abstract: alcohol use is one of the major conditions that display a worldwide moralizing connotation. the objective of this present article was to investigate the stereotypes and the moral attribution of the health college students (hcs) about the dependence of alcohol. 138 hcs enrolled on undergraduate health courses participated of the study. three instruments were used: questionnaire about the personal characteristics of the professionals, evaluation questionnaire about stereotypes and moralization of the use of alcohol. was verified that for the use of alcohol, the perception model of the hcs was moral and one of the biggest difficulties for them dealing with the patients referred to the alcoholics.

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